Sunday, January 1, 2012

a little hickup.

A little hickup.

So, there's a hickup, 1. I can't change the blog theme, because I some how can't transfer account files anymore, secondly, I can't post anything because my picture taker is BROKEN!


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Holiday Party 2011!

Hey Penguins,
The holiday party is back with new and wonderful things!!
Here's the walkthrough

There's a advent calender in the forest for non-members and members, and you can get 1 gift each day!

There's a new pin in the Pizza shop, it's a reindeer, check it out:

 If you head to the bakery in the dance louange, there's a cookie machine, where you can make cookies, and if you make a whole lot, you get a Gingerbread igloo!
This is for members only by the way.

With the Santa Sleigh, it's back! Deliever 15 presents and you get a gift!!

That's all for now, and by the way, I will be posting the Advent Calender presents everyday, so make sure you come back!

-Liviibobs (: